Showing posts with label milk glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milk glass. Show all posts

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Supermoon Birthday!!!

it is official I am 41!?  where o where did the time go!?yesterday I ran (errr...  jogged - something like a 17-18 minute mile) 1.5 miles and light upper-body circuit ( 8 repetitions on each machine) IK IK...  but it was the first time in over a year!?!  again... where does the time go!?  anyway, pretty pleased with myself - evidently not as in bad a shape as I suspected - feeling pretty good today! -  must be all the running up and down the stairs at work.  =) 
so, ok total slacker with the photo a day - perhaps, IF I had a camera phone I'd do better but I'm old school with the phone - and I love photo editing  =)  BTW I am lovin' picmonkey!  
May 1: Peace
I made this bracelet a few years ago in San Diego on one of my trips Pacific Beach - my home away from home -  oh how I miss you Pacific Beach - I LOVE you SO much!!!   =) 

earlier in the week I made these Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes - used boxed White Cake mix made it as directed and then  added the juice of half a lime (oh, yes, I got a HUGE bag of lime for $1 and have been adding lime to everything!) then filled the muffin cups and added a few sliced fresh strawberries & baked as directed on the box (maybe a minute or 2 longer) ...  they were VERY good plain or with a bit of whipped cream  =D 
Anyway, I  had a pretty  good birthday - the HB accompanied me to the local conservation groups annual native plant sale - I was kinda bummed, I missed the presale & they sold out of the 2 things I wanted most, but got about a dozen plants 1/2 for my shade garden and  1/2 for my prairie patch  (pictures shall be forth comming)  =)  OMG and they had a great selection of rain garden plants!!!   I have got to get the HB working on that - next year for sure!    they went out for a BFB (Big Effin Breakfast) and spent the rest of the day playing in the yard... picking myself some Lilly of the Valley flowers...  
(mmmm.. smells SO sweet =))
Lily of the Valley

 pulling weeds, staking the peonies and tending the veggie garden...  and strawberry patch  =)    cooked up some Baked Ziti  which is a lot  like lasagna but  instead of all the messing with layers you used  penne pasta  mixed everything together top with more cheese and bake  =)   while I was making it I saw an new birdie  visitor at the feeder...   so I snapped a photo of him - went right to my Audubon North American Bird Field Guide - He is a Rose-breasted Grosbeak and and well well, today's photo a day theme is bird!?     2 out of 5 ain't bad =) 

Day 5: Bird
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
finally enjoying a cold bottle of Barefoot Brut Cuvee eating my Ziti and watch a little UFC fighting!!!  oh and gotta go see my Birthday Supermoon!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

... my milk glass collection ♥

The latest and greatest addition to my collection -  a flowery egg shaped candy dish made by Avon I saw it one weekend and resisted it.... it was still there the next weekend - clearly it was meant to be  =) only $3.  (am I the only one who LOVES this? )   and the the little votive I picked up for $.99

on the left is one of the 2 Fire King fancy baking dish of some-kind? I use them to contain small plants) the o n the right I picked up at a rummage sale in Kenosha  $1  again not sure of its intended use, but I use it to corral miscellaneous stuff on the mantel...

the other smaller Fire King - and isn't that plant cool - it is a Silver Philodendron...  yes, need to re-pot that one! 

and MY most most favorite - I got a of  pair of these at a rummage sale benefiting a local environmental group.. they didn't have a price....   I'm not a haggler.... so, I walked away with the awesome white ceramic frog toothbrush holder I found  ...  they called me back...  I asked - they said $8.... I hemmed... they told me that are Fenton and I said and well it is for a a good cause right - I'll take them!   I do LOVE them. (early the next day they had an everything must go give away - that's when I got the Fire King =) 

This was my first!  from my sisters wedding =) 

Last but not least - another little vase...